Key Quotes - Social Issues

A world perspective in bite-size chunks
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Last update: Wednesday 25th March
A staggering proportion of us are survivors of childhood abuse – 24.1 percent of adults, according to the NSPCC.
Social IssuesThird Way June 2013
Chatting to friends on Facebook will not improve your relationship with them and is less rewarding than talking face-to-face, research suggests. The amount of time that people spend exchanging messages and photographs with friends and family on Facebook has no bearing on the quality of their relationships in real life, experts said. We feel happier and laugh more when speaking to friends in person or via video messaging services such as Skype because we can pick up on visual cues including smiles and nods. The findings suggest that no matter how long we spend communicating with friends via social networks, text messaging or even over the telephone, there is no substitute for seeing them face-to-face, researchers said.
Social IssuesDaily Telegraph April 10 2013
It's a bane of modern life remembering the myriad of passwords vital for everything from smart phones to bank accounts and online shopping. This tedious task, however, is set to be a thing of the past as other methods are developed. These include using fingerprint, voice and facial recognition instead of passwords seen as an outdated security risk. Apple is among several companies preparing to turn to finger¬print recognition. It is said to be releasing a new iPhone allowing owners to identify themselves by pressing a finger onto the handset. The technology could eventually spread to allow access to bank accounts and email accounts.
Social IssuesDaily Mail 18 March 2013
Shoppers are losing out to the tune of £1.2billion a year because they do not understand their rights to return faulty or unwanted products. Research from consumer group Which? has found that most people are in the dark about the protection offered by the Sale of Goods Act and laws covering online purchases. It warned that retailers use this ignorance of the law to deny shoppers their rights to refunds, repairs or replacements.
Social IssuesDaily Mail 14 March 2013
After a busy day it's all too easy to eat your dinner in front of the TV rather than making the effort to have a traditional family meal. In fact, six out of ten meals consumed in British homes are eaten while watching television, according to a study. And more than one third of us regularly eat meals in front of the TV without making any conversation, researchers found. The survey, which highlights the extent to which millions have abandoned the dining table, discovered that the average person eats 13 meals at home each week, and at least eight of these - around 60% are eaten while watching television. Eight in ten think the television is now a big part of modern meal times. Six in ten are convinced that eating in front of the TV is a growing trend and admit they have done this a lot more in. the last five years. But 45% don't enjoy the food they're eating, and many opt for ready meals and takeaways. More than a third say it's quite common for them to eat a meal on the sofa and not appreciate their food or notice the flavour.
Social IssuesDaily Mail 14 March 2013
Half of today's children will live until the age of 103, meaning people will have to work for longer to support themselves, a major inquiry has concluded. The rapidly rising older population will have to learn to get by without relying on the help of young taxpayers, according to the report. The House of Lords study - Ready for Ageing? - reveals the number of people over 85 will more than double between 2010 and 2030. And one expert told the inquiry that any baby born after 2007 has a one in two chance of living past 100. But the number of people with three or more long-term health conditions will rise by 50 per cent between 2010 and 2018.
Social IssuesDaily Mail 14 March 2013
“Polish is now England’s second language after a decade of large-scale East European immigration. New figures from the 2011 census disclose the linguistic diversity of a nation in which there are hardly any areas without at least one hundred Polish speakers. The astonishing variety was revealed yesterday by the Office for National Statistics after a question about how well non-native English speakers could communicate in the language was included in the census for the first time.”
Social IssuesThe Times – 31st January 2013
The release in December of the divorce figures for 2012 from the Office for National Statistics showed that, after peaking in the 1990s, divorce rates are back at 1970s levels. The Marriage Foundation believes that this dip has nothing to do with fewer people getting married and everything to do with the way couples who do get married are taking it increasingly seriously.
Social IssuesEvangelicals Now, February 2013
Brighton Council is thinking of banning the use of ‘Mr.’ and ‘Mrs.’ in official documents in the name of equality, it was reported in mid-October. The proposal has been suggested following a council survey into the lives of transsexual residents. Deputy leader of the council, Phelim MacCafferty, said: ‘Trans people aren’t necessarily male or female and sometimes they don’t want to be defined by their gender’.
Social IssuesEvangelicals Now, December 2012
Millions of poor and middle-income households may be bypassed by any economic recovery, a report says. The Commission on Living Standards argues their quality of life could stagnate for the next decade. The group blames this prospect on the demise of administrative and manufacturing jobs in the UK economy. It calls for state subsidies to boost employment. “On current trends the outlook for the bottom half of the working population is bleak even once growth returns,” the commission warned.
Social IssuesThe Sentinel, November 1, 2012
The number of people being trafficked into the UK is rising, latest government estimates suggest. Last year the authorities learned of 946 victims, compared with 710 in 2010, the inter-departmental ministerial group on human trafficking said. Trafficking groups in China, Vietnam, Nigeria and eastern Europe now pose the biggest threat to the UK. The Government said better coordination between its departments and with authorities abroad was key. But anti-slavery groups warned Government ‘failures’ had led to ‘significant steps back’ in the fight.
Social IssuesThe Sentinel, October 19, 2012
In July records held by the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority showed that almost 123 IVF babies have been aborted over the last five years due to genetic abnormalities, Down's Syndrome being the most common. Among those conceived naturally, more than 1,000 Downs babies are aborted every year. The numbers could be higher because there is no requirement for the reasons for terminations to be recorded. Pro-life activists say that the statistics show a growing trend towards treating children as 'designer goods', with parents spending thousands of pounds on fertility treatment at private clinics only to discard a child when less than 'perfect'.
Christian Concern
Social IssuesEvangelicals Now September 2012
The economic gap between the young and the old has widened significantly since the start of the financial crisis, according to new research from the Intergenerational Foundation. The report was published as David Cameron announced proposed welfare cuts for the young people and protection from cuts for the old.
Social IssuesYouthwork – September 2012
The first half-a-million names to sign the national petition for marriage were handed into Downing Street on June 12th. The petition continues to grow and will remain open and the Coalition For Marriage (C4M) intends to reach one million names in the months ahead. The petition supports the current definition of marriage as between one man and one woman and called on the government not to redefine it. Earlier in May, a homosexual writer, Max Wind-Cowie, warned that activists seeking to redefine the definition of marriage must stop trying to vilify those who oppose them. He is Head of the Progressive Conservatism Project and he accused the ‘gay-rights brigade’ of allowing their quest to redefine marriage to turn ‘into active hetero-phobia’.
Social IssuesEvangelicals Now – July 2012
More men are victims of human trafficking than is commonly thought by the public, The Salvation Army has found. A YouGov survey carried out for the organisation showed that on average respondents thought that 29 percent of trafficking victims in England and Wales were male. But in the first six months of The Salvation Army’s work under the contract given to it by the Ministry of Justice, 41 per cent of people supported by it were men trafficked for labour. A briefing reveals that between 1st July and 31st December last year, The Salvation Army and its subcontractors supported 112 women and 78 men who had been trafficked.
Social IssuesThe War Cry – 12th May 2012
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