Key Quotes - Young People

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Last update: Wednesday 25th March
15 year olds are twice as likely to lie, steal and be disobedient than their counterparts of 25 years ago, a new study has revealed. Anxiety, depression and general mental health problems have increased by 70%.
Young PeopleYouthWork - December 2004
Research indicates that teenage girls are twice as likely to start smoking than boys. At age 11 and 12, just 2% of both boys and girls in Leeds are smoking. However, by age 15 and 16, a massive 31% of girls and 16% of boys have developed a regular habit.
Young PeopleYouthWork - December 2004
Young people are more concerned about the growing knife culture than anything else, a new survey reveals. Over 500 11 to 16 year olds were interviewed and over half revealed that they had been a victim of some form of physical or verbal attack before reaching 16.
Young PeopleYouthWork - December 2004
It is a sad fact that 90% of children have observed bullying at some time and one in twenty children suffer significant problems stemming from bullying. Bullying is a problem which affects between 10-20% of children before they reach the age of eighteen. For one in twelve youngsters, bullying affects their education, relationships and later employment, as well as reducing self esteem and resulting in higher depression.
Young PeopleThe Sentinel – 9 October 2004
More than 50,000 young people were homeless in England last year; figures published today show. Researchers estimate that up to 52,000 youngsters aged 16-24 were found to be homeless by English local authorities in 2003.
Young PeopleThe Sentinel – 11 October 2004
Belgium's health minister has infuriated prolifers by saying every girl under 14 who finds herself pregnant should have an abortion. Statistics showed a four per cent rise in adolescent pregnancies between 2002 and 2003 in Belgium.
Young PeopleThe Universe - 29th August 2004
Some 84 per cent of young people resent being asked for money by street fundraisers, according to a Giving National website poll.
Young PeopleThird Sector - 16th June 2004
S teens spend 164,000,000,000 dollars a year online buying clothes, music, movie tickets and books.
An average teenager watches 4 hours of television per day. That adds up to 2 complete months every year and 9 complete years by the time we retire.
By the age of 16 the average youth has witnessed 18,000 murders on TV.
46 per cent of men and 38 per cent of women log on to the internet every day.
More than 250,000,000 Harry Potter books have now been sold.
Young PeopleYouthwork - September 2004
A National Opinion Poll (NOP) survey in October 2003 revealed that 43 per cent of ALL 14 to 19s eventually want to run their own business.
Less than one in ten young people who did want to start their own business would do so to become a millionaire. Instead they were more interested in the challenge (28 per cent), the desire to do something enjoyable (26 per cent), and being in control (20 per cent).
Seven out of ten interviewed in the same survey believed that the skills required to be an entrepreneur can be learned, with less than one in five believing the opposite.
National business education charity Young Enterprise was founded in 1963 and now runs a range of programmes for more than 165,000 young people each year.
Over 40,000 students aged 15-19 set up their own small businesses last year as part of the Young Enterprise company initiative.
Young PeopleYouthwork - September 2004
According to new research by leading children's charity NCH GamCare and CitizenCard, reveals that children as young as 11 can open up accounts on gambling websites. Only 7 out of 37 gambling sites stopped a 16 year old registering her details online.
Young PeopleChristian Herald - 31st July 2004
According to research from the South West Learning and Skills Council, teens are now more likely to wait until fortunately falling into a lucrative career, rather than pursuing traditional paths to sucess.
Young PeopleYouthwork - August 2004
Half of Uganda's population is under the age of 15
Young PeopleJustright - Issue 10
Brazil's National Movement of Street Children, says that between 4 and 5 adolescents are murdered daily; that every 12 minutes a child is beaten; that 4.5 million children under 12 are working; and that 500,000 children are engaged in domestic labour. In 40 per cent of crimes, children are victims. He confirmed that the massive proliferation of small arms is a central cause. It is easier for a child to get a gun than to get a bus pass.
Young PeopleJustright - Issue 10
The number of seven to 10 year olds with a mobile phone has almost doubled in the past three years, according to a survey. In 2001, 13 per cent of primary school children owned a phone. At the start of this year the number had increased to 25 per cent.
The findings come from a survey of 2,000 seven to 10 year olds by Mintel.
A spokesman said "Many parents find it reassuring to be able to get in touch with their children at any time and some consider mobile phones important for their children's safety.
Young PeopleThe Sentinel - April 28th 2004
An opinion poll commissioned by The Salvation Army at the end of 2003 showed that 82 per cent of the population believes children and young people under the age of 18 should not be allowed to play fruit machines.
Young PeopleSalvationist - 10th April 2004
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