This is a place for you to be heard in your weeping, in your weakness and in your needs. A place to ask for water for your soul. Build your relationship with God, cry out, groan, ask your God and tell Him your needs. And receive His help.

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Please pray for me....

Lord I Love You with my whole heart and soul I give honor to You Father and I ask right now that you would over fill me with the Holy Spirit in faith I need You my Lord Jesus to strengthen me and help me pass these classes such as Organic Chemistry, Sociology, Microbiology, and Calculus in ordre to get out of college please let my financial aid go through and just overall bless my family and friends as well as my child that's on the way please bless Briana and her family and forgive us for all of our shortcomings. I love You Jesus and your name is worthy to be honored and praised. This I ask all in My Lord Jesus Christ's Holy and Righteous Name above all Names. Amen

Submitted by Charles on 13 Dec 2002

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Lord, what an Almighty God you are! Sometimes i find it hard to express what you mean to me and just start laughing! But at times Lord, I find it hard to laugh at all. Sometimes the stress of college, and work, and temptation, can overcome the joy that I get from just thinking about you. Lord, I pray to you now, that although throughout life i know i cannot stop everything that happens to me, i CAN be protected and loved by you, the creator of this very universe! Keep me, guide me, protect me, love me and never let me fall from the grace you have given me! And if i do, tell me, and help me understand, that I CAN pick myself up again, be brushed off, and start again with you. What an honour and privilege it is to be loved by You. God I love you, and you love me, i know that. Thankyou for pouring blessings on my life. Thankyou. Im on my knees, answer my prayer Lord, for you ARE faithful! your servant,

Submitted by Jonna on 7 Dec 2002

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Prayer needed for desperate spiritual situation.

Hi please could you pray for me and help me? I am in a desperate state spiritually and have been now for well over two years- I fell away completely from God, have been sifted as badly as can be by Satan over the last 18 months and have absolutely NO assurance from God that He would ever want me back let alone forgive me for all I have done in my life. I have finally given up begging and pleading with God to speak to me after 2 years of this. My bible knowledge is poor due to 4 years of rebellion against God, followed by 2 years convinced that I'm not His child. So please if there is anything in God's Word that makes it absolutely 100% clear that God WILL and DOES want to forgive anyone no matter how far they have fallen, provided they want His forgiveness, please write to me with those verses!!!!!!! My church have deserted me over this because after all my experiences I no longer believe in Once Saved Always Saved- so in the end I left and if I ever return to Jesus, will I immediately find a new church. For my full story, which really you need if you would like to pray about this, please e-mail me and I will send it to you.

Submitted by Da Berkshire Massive on 4 Dec 2002

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Prayer request

Could you plz pray for me as i have just come home from hospital after having a major operation to remove a cyst from my Ovary which was cancerous. I have to go through Chemo soon which would make me ill and bald. Thanks

Submitted by Louise on 30 Nov 2002

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friend or foe

lord please help menot to get annoyed when my friends do something agianst i know that friends are there to stab you in the back as a challenge for the life of you but give me the strength to do as you wish and shine for the lord..

Submitted by richard on 25 Nov 2002

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Only Girl

Lord can you please send more girls to my youth group i'm the only girl and i feel it. The lads just talk about cars golf and football and i'm sitting there wondering if i belong in my church and i know i do you put me there, but please send more girls i feel really left out and lonly. Amen

Submitted by Jenny on 25 Nov 2002

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a job for Rose

Dear Heavenly Father: Please let my friend Rose find a job soon.. she is a wonderful Christian and good friend.. thank you for answering my prayers to you in the past.. in Jesus name.. AMEN

Submitted by Merrie on 24 Nov 2002

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I pray for peace and that you will nourish and strengthen my mind and body. I pray that I may draw deeper from you Lord and that you may bless my relationship with my partner. I pray that you will move our relationship closer towards marriage and intervene when we need to move from our present accomodation to a new home. Pray that we will achieve all that we want as a couple and that you will show us your desire for us as individuals and together.

Submitted by Juliet on 22 Nov 2002

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Friendship Problems

Dear Father Chris, my closest friend has moved away and my next closest friend Neil has become hostile and has indicated that he feels threatened by me and my position in the church (particualarly the Media Team which he has recently left). Both my friends know and love you Lord and I thankyou for them. I do not understand what is happening, I have always struggled to maintain good friendships and today is no exception. Please help me Father. Amen

Submitted by Andy on 18 Nov 2002

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What's next???

Lord I need your direction & guidance. Being laid off was not in my plans at all. My family will need your provision & protection & I ask for it now. Please make a way for us.

Submitted by Shannon on 15 Nov 2002

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