Steffany Gretzinger - The Undoing

Published Monday 15th September 2014
Steffany Gretzinger - The Undoing
Steffany Gretzinger - The Undoing

STYLE: MOR / Soft Pop
RATING 6 6 6 6 6 6
OUR PRODUCT CODE: 151541-22346
LABEL: Bethel Music 0700615372614
RELEASE DATE: 2014-08-26
RRP: £9.98

Reviewed by Tony Cummings

The fact that on the first week of its release this album debuted at number one on Britain's Christian & Gospel Charts says much for the influence and popularity in the UK Church of Bethel Music. Not that this release has much in common musically with most of the music emanating from the Redding, California church-cum-worship music brand. In fact, 'The Undoing' isn't music for congregational worship and there isn't a rock guitar or a loud drummer in earshot. Rather, it's a set of intimate songs of reflection mostly around the theme of finding the blessing in every day. Steffany first came to everyone's attention for her contributions to the women's ministry 'You Make Me Brave' bestseller and on this, her first album, she offers a gentle, wistful set. In fact, the mood is so low key that some may find 'The Undoing' suitable for soaking sessions. And certainly there are some pleasing moments: "Morning Song" has a bubbling accompaniment behind her brittle, sweet vocals while the song about her baby, "Cecie's Lullaby", sung sweetly over piano and strings will surely connect with every mother. But on the minus side Steffany's diction is poor with odd pronunciations ("take me baaack") and too often the close micing brings out uncomfortable gasps for breath. And one or two of the melodies fail to register. So though this is a reasonable enough debut, to me it never truly sounds deserving of its bestselling status.

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Product Description
Bethel Music's Steffany Gretzinger has crafted an intimate collection of original songs, débuting her first solo album. The Undoing began from what Steffany describes as "the moments in-between": the life we live in between our corporate worship gatherings. What does it look like to worship in the process of growth, love, pain, healing?

The Undoing is a whole-hearted response to this question and the journey it beckons, resulting in 11 lyrically-rich tracks bearing fresh melodies and unique instrumentation. Some songs began in spontaneous worship, others began as personal prayers or were written for friends.

The album's anthemic track about trust, Steady Heart, is laced with atmospheric vocals and sonic intricacies. With honest lyrics and provoking textures, Promise I Always Will explores the unfolding of covenant relationship. Hymn-life in quality, Out Of Hiding is a pointed ballad sung from God's perspective over his beloved.

The Undoing invites listeners to embrace not so much the destinations we reach with God, but the many processes we walk out in this life with him: the crucial moments along the way. It is from this place that Steffany has translated her experiences and passion into songs that are sure to last.

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