Angels and Israel

Continued from page 2

Furthermore, God says he will eventually bring blessing to the Egyptians and Arabs as well as Israel. Here are his words in Isaiah 19:24:

In that day Israel will be the third with Egypt and Assyria [Iraq], a blessing in the midst of the earth, whom the Lord of angelic forces has blessed saying, 'Blessed be Egypt my people, and Assyria the work of my hands, and Israel my heritage.'

The Sign in the Sky in 1973

I have quoted reports of supernatural intervention related to the 1948 and 1967 Palestinian wars. A similar overruling seems the only explanation for the 1973 Yom Kippur deliverance.

Yom Kippur is a major Jewish festival in the autumn. It is the Day of Atonement. The Israeli army was on leave, and the invasion from all sides was a complete surprise. Lance Lambert informs us that something stopped the invasion, yet the Israeli garrisons had only a few hundred men against Syria's massive tank attack. Syria had more tanks than Hitler's offensive against Russia. On the Golan Heights in north Israel on a twenty-mile front they had 1,200 tanks. Egypt attacked from the South-west with 3,000 tanks, 2,000 heavy guns, 1,000 aircraft and 600,000 men, according to a report to the United Nations.

The Egyptians crossed the Suez Canal and drove on. The whole of central Israel was at their mercy, and only half an hour's drive away. Yet something stopped them.

When the Syrians launched their attack in the north with 1,200 tanks the Israeli Golan Brigade commander reported that he had only two tanks and ten men on duty. Wave after wave of Syrian tanks bore down on them but when only one mile away, within sight of the Lake of Galilee, they stopped. What stopped them?

An Israeli captain without any religious beliefs said that he looked up into the sky and saw a great grey hand pressing downwards as if it were holding something back.

These tremendous forces were held back until the Israelis could be called out of their synagogues to man their tanks. Then ensued what were described as 'the greatest tank battles in world history', greater even than the battle of El Alamein in the Second World War. The Yom Kippur war was the first wholly technological war in Middle East history, in which 4,000 tanks of 900 batteries were thrown into action. Soviet Russia had organised a massive airlift of arms to Syria and Egypt.

The great hand in the sky was a sign that God was holding back the forces until Israel was alerted to leave her Day of Atonement prayers and get back into action. Then against all odds the invaders were driven right back. They had expected to wipe out Israel, but they did not know that that was impossible because God had told the prophet Amos concerning these latter days:

'I will restore the fortunes of my people Israel... I will plant them upon their land, and they shall never again be plucked up out of the land which I have given them,' says the LORD your God.' (Amos 9:14,15, RSV)

Elijah And Angels

Well do you believe in angels? Then here's some food for thought. In fact I'm thinking of when an angel brought food to Elijah. He did it twice, why?

Elijah was absolutely exhausted. He was drained physically and emotionally. He'd come through a great crisis - a crisis for his country. He'd rescued Israel from backsliding from God's revealed truth and accepting a false religion. He'd stopped them from being dominated by satanic Baal worship.