Key Quotes for 2018

A world perspective in bite-size chunks
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Last update: Wednesday 25th March
Austria’s Constitutional Court has decided that same-sex couples will be allowed to marry by the beginning of 2019, bringing the country in line with more than a dozen other western European nations.
World IssuesThe Sentinel – 6th December 2017
The waiting list for a heart transplant has nearly trebled in a decade, the British Heart Foundation has revealed as it pleads for people listed as donors to discuss their decision with loved ones. NHS Blood and Transplant service figures show the number of people on the waiting list for a new heart in the UK has increased by 162% since 2008.
HealthThe Sentinel – 4th December 2017
Drop in teenage pregnancies – 6% have given birth before they were 20 (Office for National Statistics)
Rise in obesity – 1/3 of 3 to 15-year-olds are obese (Public Health England)
Rise in young adults staying at home – 5% increase in 20 to 34-year-olds living with their parents since 1996 (Office for National Statistics)
Young PeoplePremier Youth and Children’s Work – January 2018
The number of young people with a part-time job has fallen by a fifth in five years. A freedom of information request to local authorities by the BBC gave 104 different area statistics that revealed the decrease in young people working part time.
Work/EmploymentPremier Youth and Children’s Work – January 2018
Tracey Crouch, the minister for sport and civil society, has told Christian charities they needn’t worry about hiding their faith while carrying out services.
Religion/SpiritualityPremier Youth and Children’s Work – January 2018
According to the charity Refuge, 1 in 5 women in the UK have been subjected to some form of sexual violence since the age of 16. 1 in 3 teenage girls has been pressured into doing something sexual by a partner and a third of female students in the UK have been subjected to inappropriate touching or groping at university.
CrimeChristianity – January 2018
Religious people in the United States spend about £900 a year supporting their religious institution; but more than a third feel pressured by peers to do so. This was among the findings of a survey of 875 Christian, Jewish, and Muslim people (of equal numbers) in the country, conducted by the finance blog LendEDU, last month.
Religion/SpiritualityChurch Times – 15th December 2017
Highly conservative faith schools in England that persistently fail to promote or “actively undermine” fundamental British values must be investigated, the latest annual report from Ofsted says. The report, published on Wednesday by the chief inspector of Ofsted, Amanda Spielman, found that, overall, 90 per cent of primary schools and 79 per cent of secondary schools were rated as good or outstanding in the past year.
EducationChurch Times – 15th December 2017
The number of people who have had to use church and community night shelters has doubled in the past four years, a new report suggests. Nearly 3000 people used night shelters last winter: a 53-per-cent rise on the numbers using them the previous winter, and double the number in 2012. The statistics were published by the Christian charity Housing Justice, which described them as “appalling”. Figures released by the Government’s spending watchdog, the Audit Office, this summer, showed a 134-per-cent rise in rough-sleepers since 2010, and a 60-per-cent rise in the number of families living in temporary accommodation.
HousingChurch Times – 15th December 2017
Men who are committed and active members of a faith group are less likely to be violent towards their partner, new research from the charity Tearfund suggests. The study was carried out in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), which has the highest rate of sexual violence in the world. The charity found that men who were actively engaged in a faith group, whether Christian or Muslim, were more than twice as likely to think that violence towards their partner was never justified, compared with those who were not engaged. Women who were involved in their faith group were also more empowered and able to say no to sex, the survey found.
FamilyChurch Times – 1st December 2017
One in 12 children live in countries where their life chances are fewer than those of their parents, a report published last week by UNICEF, the United Nations Children’s Fund, suggests. The analysis, released to coincide with World Children’s Day on Monday of last week, found that, in 37 countries, 180 million young people were more likely to exist in extreme poverty, be out of school, or be killed by violence than the equivalent generation two decades before. This was despite significant improvements in living standards for most of the world’s children. UNICEF’s analysis found that the number of people living on less than $1.90 a day had increased in 14 countries, mostly due to unrest, conflicts, or poor governance.
World IssuesChurch Times – 1st December 2017
Freedom of Information requests to dozens of NHS trusts by Spurgeons showed that, while admissions to A&E for self-harm had gone up seven years in a row, as many as 60 per cent of children referred to mental-health services by their GP did not go on to receive any treatment.
HealthChurch Times – 1st December 2017
The 2016 mission statistics show that 25 per cent of Church of England congregations do not include a single child or young person.
ChurchPremier Youth and Children’s Work – December 2017
Nearly one in ten trans pupils get death threats at school (Stonewall)
63% of those bullied confided in their parents (Bullying UK)
52% were subject to false rumours online (Bullying UK)
1 in 3 will self-harm in response to being bullied (Ditch the Label)
Young People(Stonewall) and Premier Youth and Children's Work – December 2017
The British Medical Journal has noted a 68 per cent increase in self-harm among 13 to 16-year-old girls over a three-year period. The study suggested that GPs could be getting better at picking up self-harm, but it was likely that rising stress and psychological problems in young people were also behind the trend.
HealthPremier Youth and Children's Work – December 2017
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