Key Quotes for 2002

A world perspective in bite-size chunks
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Last update: Wednesday 25th March
The average daily number of women in local jails in the US is:
1990 - 37,198
1995 - 52,300
2001 - 76,621
Bureau of Justice Statistics - printed in Release
In many Islamic countries it is a crime for Muslims to convert to another faith, 90% of Muslim converts to Christianity end up returning to Islam.
A recent survey showed that most people in the UK thought 20% of the population were from an ethnic minority, when in fact it's only 8.3%. In Stoke-on-Trent it's 3%.
Of the 4,000 children interviewed by The Children's Society while on remand in prison: 340 had mental health problems, 318 had attempted suicide or self harm, 252 were victims of bullying and 27 had child protection issues.
Christian Herald
Research carried out by The Department of Trade and Industry's Work-Life Balance Campaign and Management Today found that:
One in six (16%) of workers now work more than 60 hours a week compared to just one in eight (12%) of all UK workers in 2000
The number of women working more than 60 hours has more than doubled from one in 16 (6%) in 2000 to approximately one in eight today (13%)
Three quarters (75%) of employees currently work overtime, and of these, only a third (36%) are rewarded with extra pay or time off in lieu
One in five (19%) men have visited the doctor because of stress, rising to one quarter (23%) of over 40s
Christian Herald
Europe now has 18 nations out of the 20 with the lowest birth-rate in the world. The fertility rate of European women needs to be 2.1 just to replace the existing population, but alarmingly it is just 1.4. This means that if the present rate continues the population of Europe will fall to 207 million by the end of the 21st century- just 30% of today's population.
Christian Herald
In London, more than a million of the city's 11.8 million residents are Muslims.
Christian Herald
Provisional statistics have indicated that 6,625 women travelled from the Irish Republic to England and Wales for abortions last year, the highest number ever.
Pro-Life Times
Every single day more people die of AIDS than were killed in total by September 11 hijackers last year. Already 22 million have died and by 2020 it is estimated that the disease will have taken the lives of between 65 and 100 million people.
Scottish Catholic Observer
79% of the wealthy feel they have reached their "definition of success" compared to only 55% of the general public. The majority, regardless of their wealth, think that to be happy is to be successful.
Report – Lloyds TSB Private Banking
40% of the world's population (2.4 billion) is without adequate sanitation. And nearly 6,000 children are dying every day from conditions like diarrhoea.
Evangelicals Now
The number of abortions in England and Wales on women from the Irish Republic has increased by more than 46% (1995-2001). In contrast, the number of abortions on residents of England and Wales increased by 20.7% over the same period, while the number of abortions on women from Northern Ireland actually fell by 1.3%.
Pro-Life Times
Over 40,000 children are killed or injured on the roads each year.
Evangelicals Now
After 9.11 the US led retaliation war in Afghanistan killed between 6,000 and 10,000 Afghan civilians, and wounded and made homeless many more; thousands also died because food supplies were interrupted.
Baptist Times
In the past 10 years, since the last earth summit in Rio, the gap between rich and poor has widened, with over two billion people now living on less than a dollar a day as natural resources continue to be depleted.
Scottish Catholic Observer
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