Key Quotes for 2003

A world perspective in bite-size chunks
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Last update: Wednesday 25th March
Nearly half of the UK's Christians don't know where to go for psychological help, according to a survey carried out by the Association of Christian Counsellors (ACC). Of 800 Christians asked where to find their nearest Christian counselling service is, 48% did not know.
Baptist Times - October 9 2003
A passionate appeal by the leader of one of Britain's leading black majority churches has seen young men come forward to lay drugs and lethal weapons on his church altar. Following his sermon, which dealt with the causes of drug and gun crime and the necessity for repentance, 40 people, mainly young men, responded to the call to turn their backs on the 'gangster lifestyle.'
Baptist Times - October 2003
China's 1.3 billion people now enjoy a reasonably good quality of life. Women typically live until the age of 73 and men until 69. Private enterprise and foreign investment have spurred economic growth so that today the average annual income is £570. However, a brief survey of recent news headlines reveals problems. Unemployment in urban areas amounts to around 24 million. Health experts are worried that the country could be facing an AIDS disaster like that experienced in Africa during the 1990's. A Hong Kong newspaper recently reported that more than 300,000 children die on the mainland each year as a result of poisonous building materials; and China's annual struggle against flooding is by now familiar to all.
Presbyteian Herald - November 2003
Against all the odds, Christianity in Iraq has survived in a country that is 97% Muslim.

A second issue for Iraqi Churches is unity. Chaldean Roman Catholics make up 2.1%. The Armenian Apostolic Christians 0.1%each, and the Protestant denominations, mainly established in the 19th centuary under American and British influence,0.2%.
Baptist Times, Nov 2003
In the 2001 census, 72% of respondents described themselves as Christians, yet only some 7.5% of the population goes to church every sunday. Although I recognise that most of 72% are what we might term nominal Christians, I find it an encouraging statistic. It means, for instance, there is still a substantial church fringe which might be open to attending Alpha courses and the like.
Baptist Times, Nov 2003.
Salvation Army emergency workers from as far away as Miami and New York took part in relief work following the hurricane which ravaged the eastern seaboard of the USA.
More than 600 people took refuge in Salvation Army shelters in eastern North Carolina, and 21 Salvation Army mobile canteens patrolled the area affected by the disaster, serving 28,000 hot meals in the first 36 hours of disaster response. That number mushroomed to just ubder 61,000 meals by the end of the week.
Salvationist. Nov 2003
The fastest growing radio station in Britian is London based Premier Christian Radio. New figures from Rajar (Radio Joint Andience Research) show that total listening hours for Premier have risen by 162% in the last quarter and the number of listeners has risen by 51% to 223,000.
The figures for Premier's medium wave broadcasts in London give the station more than three million listening hours a week. Premier can also be heard on Sky Digital.
War Cry, Nov 2003.
A nationwide survey of 898 motorists found that nearly three in four drivers admitted to saying the odd prayer while behind the wheel, and 22 % said they prayed regularly.
War Cry, Nov 2003.
The Rev Ian Gregory, a church minister at Cheadle, Staffordshire, said prayer is a great stress buster. God cant fix speed camra film or traffic lights but he can fix people, wether they are driving or not.
War Cry, Nov 2003.
Reviewing the past 40 years, Johnstone notes that the ratio of Western to non- Western Christians has gone from 65/35 in 1960 to 41/59 in 2000 and, if present trends continue, will become 25/75 by 2040. He attributes the burgeoning number of Christians outside the West to the stagering nature of the modern Evangelical Awakening, which could lead to as many as 15% of the world's population being evangelical Christians in 40 years time.
Idea, Nov/Dec 2003.
Mental Health issues account for half of all sickness time taken off work, with stress related illness.

That Mental Health Issues account for one quarter of NHS prescribed drugs.

That Mental Heath Issuses result in sufferers being less likely to find a job than any other disability group.

That mental Health issues do not meansufferers are violent, but are much more likely to be a threat to themselves than other people.
Idea, Nov/Dec 2003.
There are so many poor people in the world. An estimated 840 million people remain chronically hungry in a world with enough resourses to feed everyone. Between 2.5 and 3 Billion people exist on less than £1.20 per day. One thurds of the worlds people live in countries already experiencing water shortages. This will become much worse. More than one Billion people lack access to clean water. In the 1990's around half of the world's poorest countries were involved in conflict,primarily civil war. Almost one quarter of the world's cropland, pasture and woodland have been degraded since the 1950's affecting millions who depend on it.
Window Worldshare Magazine, Winter 2003.
In the US, according to a survey published in Nature in 1997, four out of 10 scientists believe in God. Just over 45% said they did not believe, and 14.5% described themselves as doubters or agnostics. This ratio of believers to non-believers had not changed in 80 years.
The Guardian - 04.09.03
What do the clergy of the Church of England really belive? During 2002, Cost of Conscience, an Anglican think-tank, commissioned Christian Research to undertake a survey. 4,000 questionaires were sent out and 1,800 were returned, representing over 20% of the workforce.
What did it reveal about their basic beliefs? Under each question they were offered a range of options, from belive without question through to Definitely don't belive. The percentage who belive without question basic doctrines are as follows;
-God the Father 82%
-The death of Jesus Christ 77%
-The Trinity 77%
-The empowering Holy Spirit 75%
-Resurrection of Jesus Christ 66%
-Virgin Birth 56%
-Uniqueness of Jesus Christ 51%
Are women clergy more or less doctrinally orthodox than their male counterparts? In each of these areas, women clergy were less confident. On the Virgin Birth, for example, the belive without question figure for women was 33%. On the Resurrection, 53%.
Evangelicals Now. Nov 2003
A new report out in September shows that, unless radical improvements in global healthcare are made in the next 12 years, an estimated 80 million children and mothers will die unnecessarily.
Evangelicals Now, Nov 2003.
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