America's TWILA PARIS talks us through the tracks on her new album

"Love's Been Following You"
I had a visual image
in my mind when I wrote this song, from a sermon my dad preached on
Psalm 23. I remember it vividly, even though I was just a kid. The
sermon was based on the verse that said, "Surely, goodness and mercy
shall follow me all the days of my life..." My dad designated
personalities to "goodness" and "mercy" as if they were these two
little guys that followed you around through your whole life. They
were always helping you, getting you out of trouble and ministering to
you when you were hurting. At the end of your life, when you finally
walked into Heaven, there would be these two grimy, tattered, beat-up
guys who'd been following you around all your life. He gave this image
of them walking into Heaven and wiping their brows and saying, "Whew,
that was a tough one, but we got him here!" That was such a great
illustration. So many things my dad taught me keep popping up in my
"Hold On"
This is another song about endurance
and also a song about encouragement. I was thinking about the fact
that we human beings are so security-oriented. Whether it is conscious
or not, we all need and want security in our lives. From the time we
are born we are clinging to something. And like the song says, we will
cling to anything. It's almost a desperate need. The point is, that's
okay, we're supposed to do that. But we've got to be clinging to the
right thing, which is the Lord and our relationship with him. We are
so tenacious, we will literally hold on to a thread at the end of a
rope. But when we are holding on to Jesus, that's when we are holding
on to real hope. This song has become an anthem of hope in my own
"Band Of Survivors"
My dad is our pastor and the
director for YWAM here in Arkansas. One night, he was speaking on 2
Kings 19:30-31, "Once more a remnant of the house of Judah will take
root below and bear fruit above. For out of Jerusalem will come a
remnant and out of Mount Zion a band of survivors. The zeal of the
Lord Almighty will accomplish this." Challenging all of us to be a
part of a "band of survivors", to endure and not to run away from the
battle when the going gets tough. I think this is a temptation for all
of us, in whatever we have been called to do. All of us go through
difficult times. The easiest thing to do is turn and run away from
whatever is causing the difficulty -whether it's our calling, a
relationship, or a place -whatever it is; we think our life would be
easier if we can just get out of it. In many cases, this place in our
lives is not only what God has called us to: it's something he is
using to develop character in our lives. Out of that will come the
victory if we stay and fight, in the spiritual sense, as opposed to
running away. One of the major themes on this album is the concept of
"Faithful Friend"
The lyrics to "Faithful
Friend" were co-written with Steven Curtis Chapman. As we wrote it,
what evolved is a statement about Christian fellowship in general. But
on another level, it is a statement about how the audience might best
think of and relate to Christian artists. The line about not putting
someone on a pedestal encourages the listener to understand that we
are human and it is important to pray for us. At the same time it's a
statement from Steven and myself to one another, "I'll be a faithful
friend," and also to the audience, "We'll be faithful friends to you."
And though they shouldn't put us on a pedestal, they have a right to
expect integrity and faithfulness and accountability from us. And we
commit that to them. Originally, I wrote my part and played it for
Steven and let him know he inspired the verse. I asked him if he would
like to participate on writing and singing the song. I think his wife,
Mary Beth, really lobbied behind the scenes to get him to do it. She
kept saying, "Now, you have to remember to call Twila, you really need
to do this."
"I Can See Jesus In You"
At YWAM we have a group
called King's Kids, a group of kids between five and 18 who minister
through music, drama, creative dance and sharing their testimony. A
few months ago the King's Kids of YWAM Arkansas did a programme in our
Sunday evening service. I was so moved by the look in their eyes,
their passion for God and what he has called them to do. It took me
back to a time when I was that age and getting my very first taste of
ministry. It seems to me that there is a special energy and passion
that young people have, something that us older ones have to remind
ourselves of and get back to. As we get older we fight cynicism
because we have been let down by people, even in Christian circles.
This song is written for everyone, but especially for young people,
encouraging them to be open to the Lord. Don't think, "I'm too young,
God couldn't use me," because God does really powerful things and
mighty things through the innocence and faith of young people.
"Honor And Praise"
I sometimes write songs in
odd places, like when I'm in the shower. I guess that's because it's a
private place where nothing else can intrude. The only problem is you
end up taking these really long showers and people are saying, "Hey,
what are you doing in there? You're using up all the hot water!" So
it's not the most cost effective way to write songs, but this song I
actually wrote in the shower when I was in a Nashville hotel. It's
just a simple little song, as most praise songs are. But I'm really
excited to see if people are able to take it and make it their own. I
hope they can use it in private worship and maybe even corporately.
"I Am Not Afraid Anymore"
Without realising it
consciously, we all have this little off-limits area in our lives. We
say, "God, I'll do anything for you but that," or "Please don't allow
this to happen because I couldn't be tested to that depth." Well, if
God calls you to do something, or allows you to walk through
something, he gives you the grace to get through it. How many times
have I said that to other people? But deep down inside, I've done the
same thing: "Please God, anything but that!" But perfect love does
cast out fear. I have this picture in my mind of a place that is
locked away. It's dusty and there are sheets covering the furniture
and no one's been in there for a long time. Then God comes in and
shines a light and cleans everything out and clears everything away.
It's then that you realise that the very fact of being locked away
like that is what causes the fear. The walls you hid behind had become
your prison. When God shines his light on it you're not afraid
"What Did He Die For"
I was at a photo shoot in
Toronto and we were shooting in a chapel at a Christian college. On
the chapel wall they had engraved the names of the young men from
their college who had died in World War I and World War II. It was so
emotional for me that they were probably about 18 or 19 years old when
they died for their country. They never lived out the rest of their
lives. Later, while I was watching the footage of the 50th anniversary
of D-Day, I was very moved by the fact that so many young men gave
their lives for their country; and on some very real level, they gave
their lives for me. They never knew me. They never knew I was going to
be born. But all that would have happened in their lives never
happened, so that I could live my life in freedom. As a Christian the
thing your mind goes to immediately is that Jesus gave his life, died
a horrible death, literally came to earth for that purpose. Just like
some of those guys that went over there to Normandy, knowing they
would never come back. What do I do that makes it worth those men
having done that? What is it about my life that makes Christ's death
worthwhile? We can't deserve it, but we must live our lives in
appreciation of the great sacrifice that was made for us.
"House Of Cards"
This song is about directing
our priorities. We are so busy and it's easy to get caught up with the
day-to-day stuff. This song is a little reminder to step back and
analyse, what am I actually building? I always think of the scripture,
"Unless the Lord builds a house, they labour in vain who build it."
so, what house am I actually building? Is it some sort of physical,
temporal structure? Or am I really building something that is going to
last for all eternity? Because of travelling so much, I've had times
when I've been tempted to make my home, my literal house, too much of
a priority. I still need to be reminded of those things.
"I Never Get Used To What You Do"
This song was
inspired by a friend who made a dramatic turnaround in their
relationship with the Lord. It hit me on a very emotional level. I
thought, "Wow, it's so incredible what God does in people's lives!" I
see it over and over and it blows me away every time. This is a song
of gratitude to the Lord, and the bridge brings it home for me: "Every
time I see your hand reach down/Another lonely child has just been
found/Every day your mercy is brand new/And we would all be lost if
not for you." Even though I was never out there living in blatant sin,
I still would be lost without the Lord. Whether our sin is something
everyone would say, "Oh, that's big-time sin," or simply pride and
self-righteousness because of growing up as a preacher's kid, he's
done a dramatic work in all our hearts and continues to do that daily.
I never want to take it for granted.
"I Will Listen"
My husband and I were talking
several years ago about the fact that dreams rarely come true in the
form that you dream them. We tend to think of that as a bad thing. But
as we get a little older we realise what is important is allowing God
to guide our dreams in the right direction. Part of growing up as a
Christian is allowing his dreams to be our dreams; his heart to be our
heart. We have to learn how to go through these times, times that seem
to be heart breaking, and release our dreams and desires to him in
total trust. I think the important line in this song for me is, "This
is where I stand until he moves me on." I'm not going to crash in and
say, "Okay God, you had your chance, now I'm going to fix this."
Instead, I'll patiently wait, no matter how long it takes, for him to
reveal his plan, even in this difficult time. The title of the album
comes from this song, as well as from "Love's Been Following You". I
chose that title because it reflects endurance, faithfulness and
making a choice to stand. It's also about what we stand on: grace and
faith and the principles and foundations that Jesus Christ has given
us. And it's about being open, regarding our frailties and
vulnerabilities as a human on this planet, trying to follow the Lord.
Since i got album copy in 2003,your songs have never lost their value .I lost it .I have trouble downloading the album with my small phone but hoping to get album Cd some how.