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Article Title: Bishop T D Jakes Presents He-Motions
Author of reported comment: Asuquo Nyong
Comment Date: 13:12 on Feb 21 2007
Comment: Bishop T.D.Jakes is one M.O.G.(man of God) that I respect and cherish so much,and I hold in high esteem. Currently I'm listening to one of his messages titled "The Bad Boys and The God Who Loves Them". He's so inspiring , He's one of my Role Models, in short he is too much. My prayer for him is that may the Good LORD continue to Guide ,Protect, Bless, Direct and Honour His words in his life even as he continues to do the work of the Gospel (LORD) Amen ! Also , Could you kindly let me know the lyrics of all the songs in the He-Motion Album. Thank You. ASUQUO
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