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Article Title: American Song Stylist
Author of reported comment: Nicole
Comment Date: 15:34 on Sep 4 2007
Comment: Hey Jonathan !!! I just wanted to say that you and your ministry are such an insperation to me !!! I am 17 yrs.old and absolutely love you and your music !!!I am your # 1 fan trust me !!! Your albums are such a blessing !!! When I wanna hear somethng that makes me fall head over hills in love again with my Creator I put your cd in and listen to you !!! I am in the ministry myself and love it !!!! There is nothing I want to do more !!! The ministry is my heartbeat !!! Singing is my passion !!! Music is my life !!! And Jesus is ther love of my life !!! This world would be very dull if it wernt for people like you !!!! Thank you for the sacrifices that you have made !!!! You and your wife !!!! Though I dont know you guys I love you guys and am praying for you !!! Thanks for steping up to the plate and sharing the message of Jesus Christ around the world !!!! We need more people like you !!! I believe that God is going to bless you , your wife , your ministry , and your interier designing greatly !!!! I believe it will be above all that you could ask , think or immagine !!! I love you guys !!!! ps. I dont know if you ever got it but I sent you an invitation to my 16th Birthday Party !!! LOL !!! Bumber that you and your beautiful wife couldnt come !!! Love you guys bunches and would love to hear from you all !!!! Love and prayers always, Nicole Brady
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