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Article Title: The iHeart Revolution: With Hearts As One
Author of reported comment: Jamie
Comment Date: 10:08 on May 30 2008
Comment: COMPLETELY disagree with you, Andy. This album (although it's basically a "best of") is exploring the heights, depths and breadths of God's love and power stretched all across the globe. Joel and the rest of the Hillsong team are trying to start a movement...try reading the prelude to this album...the how, and the why they do what they do, and why they've done what they've's inspiring. From a completely musical point of view, I don't think that the audio quality is lacking at all. It's a live album, filmed in several locations worldwide, and most likely not over-dubbed to the extent of their in-house live this is truly what LIVE sounds like. And guess what...they're STILL fantastic musicians. Maybe you missed the point when you scored this album so poorly? Maybe you initially disliked the "poor audio quality" which then (because it didn't turn into a studio mix on any other tracks) was heavily present throughout the entire album and you couldn't take your focus off this one point? In any case, this is a very poor rating for a very good album.
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