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Article Title: Ten Times Two: Tour Of the Americas
Author of reported comment: Dougie
Comment Date: 14:03 on Jun 13 2008
Comment: With reviews like this 9 out of 10 review CR is becoming culpable for cheapening Larry's back catalogue almost as much as Larry himself is. Most of the live duets with Larry and Randy are short jokey send ups of other people's songs. The studio selections are rough mixes of unfinished demos. How can this be an excellent release almost as good as Only Visiting This Planet, In Another land or Welcome to Paradise... its an at times distorted AUDIENCE RECORDING... yup that's right not even a soundboard recording far less a multitrack recording which has been professionally mixed down! So enjoy the gig folks... as recorded by an audiece member on a cheapo tape walkman with a dodgy microphone as this is how this 9 out of 10 release was recorded.
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