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Article Title: Greenbelt '08: The Music Reviews
Author of reported comment: Liz Long
Comment Date: 10:26 on Sep 1 2008
Comment: Some pretty accurate and honest reviews there. As always I thought [dweeb] were excellent - absolutely brilliant to see you on Mainstage this year, although I loved the feel of the Underground gig too(despite the inpromtu nature of it!). Both covers were fantastic :D Seeing Tim dancing around while singing them was rather special. Also the AFC were fantastic!! Never seen them before but I am an overnight fan. I echo many Greenbelters when I say "Mainstage!" for 2009. Beth Rowley was the suprise of Greenbelt - very down to earth and great songs. My personal favourite moment was when she was on mainstage and shouted "Hey! Who woke up with fuzzy teeth this morning?!" Fantastic weekend :)
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