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Article Title: Obedience Produces Trust... Eventually
Author of reported comment: C
Comment Date: 15:41 on Dec 7 2008
Comment: Thi stouched me deeply- right now am struggling to trust God and even my own convictions. I have been abused and think that this may be why i am reluctant to commit myself to God fully- trust to me is terrifying concept. This morning at church, our pastor's daughter gave a word from the front about how some of us have deep wounds in our lives and we are reluctant to let God open the wounds again. I spoke with this girl later and told that i was in thi spredicament right now. I had tried so many things to deal with the abuse and almost lost my sanity completely; the emotional problems were so extreme. After another bout of recent mental illness which has been having a devastating affect on my relationships and studies, i was once again brought to the realisation that there is nowhere else to go but God. I received prayer and the word from the Lord to persevere. At first i was upset that all God said was persevere, but then i was once again reminded of how it can take a long time to restore a heart shattered by abuse, rejection and a poor self-worth. So am keeping on, but i feel as though your article is a gentle reminder from God that He hasn't forgotten me. Thanks so much, Heather.
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