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Article Title: The Florida Outpouring With Todd Bentley
Author of reported comment: peter jenkins Rev
Comment Date: 11:06 on Feb 13 2009
Comment: QUOTE from Chris Cole I was so excited because in October 2007 during a prayer meeting in Washington of the GOD TV Senior Management Team, including Rory and Wendy Alec, we were praying and I experienced the unction of the Holy Spirit to prophesy in prayer that GOD TV would be used to carry a worldwide media revival. In mid April, almost six months later, whilst watching Todd Bentley on GOD TV, he pointed to the TV and said "Rory and Wendy - God is going to use GOD TV to take this revival to the world." I was so astounded to hear the confirmation of what I had heard in October that Kerry (my wife) and I stood up on Rory and Wendy's behalf as their armour bearers in case they weren't watching at that time to receive this confirmation of His Word. It was a powerful moment because when I took over the role of GOD TV's UK and Ireland Regional Director I announced from David's Citadel on October 1st, 2005 that God had given me a word in 1986 by Prophets from Jerusalem about being used to help establish the 'Tabernacle of David'. These are the spiritual times of a new reformation and a new apostolic age and GOD TV will play a major role in this end time strategy. end of quote Amazing to me these end time so called prophets have a shelf life like a bottle of milk They have all gone quiet now and forgotten the things they claimed God told them thank God we were not all decieved Peter Jenkins Renewal Christian Centre
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