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Article Title: Fred Hammond: A biker, discipler and giant og gospel
Author of reported comment: shine
Comment Date: 18:42 on Apr 27 2009
Comment: hi Robin. just wanted you to know that the way Jesus was perceived as Lord was that He fulfilled the Scriptures. he opened up the book and read about Himself: the book of Isaiah. if you know what Fred's songs are doing in the life of Christians in Nigeria, if you know what meaning has been given to the lives of folks listening to yolanda here and what impact Hezechiah has pulled in our lives, you'll never doubt that they are anointed. i need to correct the fact that you said lucifer wasnt anointed. sure he was...He lost it. in the case of these wonderful ministers of God that you doubt, they are Sons in the house of God! not just some children who just got born again. all they need to do is to ask God to forgive them if they sin.. please, be careful the way you talk about men such as these because even if they made mistakes, you are not their Judge. God is! you remember aron and mariam? they tried judging moses. even though if seemed wrong that he did the wrong thing, God let them know they went way out of line. i will advise you keep out of it, okay? it's way too big for you to play GOD. For your info, we still love them very very many of us do. they are humans like you. they have a christian life they are building too.
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