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Article Title: Let The Rocks Cry Out
Author of reported comment: Jim Drew
Comment Date: 01:13 on May 18 2009
Comment: My First worship recording with the worship team I lead for 11 years At CrossBridge Community Church, (obviously changes of personnel through all those years too), This was in the very middle of that time in my life and I had many worship songs I wanted to get down. It became a church project and had several questions in my mind due to decisions made but I was learning to submit and let God lead and it was a great lesson. The recording was a step back for me due to some folks recording for the first time and some budget limits and all that but this was worth the effort and it was a real blessing to the body I was worship minister at as well as many other churches I would visit and lead at. The title cut became a popular song for the region and many other tunes ended up in worship teams around the northeast states. I am working on a new worship project and with so much time in between I have written a ton of songs, many bad and some really good. This new CD will be a double CD project and will include at least two from this original project with a very high update in the recording effort and some tweaks of feels and how it all works. Looking forward to unleashing my personal way of worshiping and seeing if anyone else gets it and worships the way I do. it definitely won't be a copy of anything we hear today, though I love worshiping with all that is out there as well. I just have that different thing going on.
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