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Article Title: Songs Of Healing
Author of reported comment: Brad Adams
Comment Date: 22:40 on Aug 18 2009
Comment: I own a lot of very good Christian Music, however Hosanna Scripture Song CD's are my most treasured pocession besides my Bible! Examples: Scipture memory songs: Healing Overcoming Fear God's Provision Wisdom from Above Songs of Peace I play the CD I need the most (example: songs pertaining to God's wisdom) I listen several times in one day and sure enough I will wake up in the morning and God begins to speak to me from the word about Wisdom. And that is just what I need - 100 % the word of God. Really what I'm trying to get across is we have to give God something to work with, with Hossana Scipture Songs you are pumping 100% the pure word into your spirit, then God brings up the scipture from your spirit to give you the direction you need. So simple. So instead of watching the news or listening to a secular CD - pop a Scipture CD in and allow the Word of God to do it's work in your spirit. I promise you God will begin to speak to you! In His service, Brad Adams Wildomar, CA.
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