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Article Title: More Hillsong Criticism
Author of reported comment: Nick
Comment Date: 03:34 on Oct 1 2009
Comment: True Christianity is becoming Christlike, Jesus never put on a show to attract crowds. Jesus said very clearly, if you want to follow me, deny yourself and follow me, in fact the Bible clearly states, that Jesus turned to a large crowd of followers and said "unless you eat of my flesh and drink of my blood, you cannot be my followers" The crowds replied, "this is a hard teacheing to accept" and many of them most then left him, up until then he had large crowds, now all he had left were the disciples whom he asked "what about you, are you leaving too?" he had just fed the masses with food, but told them straight after they need to be a part of him, not to focus on worldy things, but on spiritual true Christianity does not draw crowds, sorry, it tends to do the opposite when you do your good works, do it in secret, For those reading this, I will not say Hillsong is good or bad, what I will say if you care about your relationship with the Creator of the Universe, you need to get to know Him, we all do .... To the Hillsongites, do yuo know "The Nicene Creed"? Why you ask? This is the fundamentals of Christianity, no book in the Biible made it into the bible unless it agreed with all points of the Creed? Did you know that? Most pentecostals don't even know the Creed. Orthodox and cathlics say it at every service. Its not in the bible, it was what was used as a guide to see if something could even be accepted as a book in the bible. One of the greatest and simplest books that shows how to get to know God (not his gifts) "The practice of the presence of God" by brother lawrence. get it, read it, over and over, its small, just a few pages, nothing in their about making money, tithing, worldly blessing, just genuine humble christianity....
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