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Article Title: Land Of The Living
Author of reported comment: Michael
Comment Date: 10:10 on Jan 15 2010
Comment: Hello Diane, Ya know I don't observe the Christian belief anymore, but I am spiritual and believe in God. I have to tell you I used to own your album and being a songwriter and musician, your music and your voice was so hypnotizing. I just heard your song "Land of the Living" today at 3:02 am here in Calgary for the first time since the 80's when all the Christian Rock bands were the craze, bands like Quickflight, Barnabus,The Rez Band,Keith Green, Petra,Amy Grant, and Gary Chapman, The Daniel band,Phil Keggy, I've met them all! I hope God has blessed you in so many ways since I last heard your album, and you could really bless me by telling me where I can buy your album or get it on a cd, or mp3 format... I used to play it over and over and play along with it on my 12 string.... Please get back to me and let me know how you are doing, and I can make arrangements with you to buy your album.... God bless you and yours Diane... Hope you get this message... Regards, Michael -Calgary,AB
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