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Article Title: Alice Cooper: The shock rock pioneer speaks about his Christian faith
Author of reported comment: Tom S.
Comment Date: 05:32 on Feb 19 2010
Comment: If you examine his actions they're quite intelligent & efficient. The show brings sinners together, and the end presents the Christian option. But who am I to judge...? If you care.... In my opinion, true Christians, technically, aren't - in modern terms, Christs' "followers", but people who have accepted, as fact, that Christ was give as an infinite final sacrifice, did rise from the dead. Then they should try to behave as Christ did & literally in accordance to the rules (= the Bibles' 10 commandments, 12 beatitudes & Christs' teachings) of the bible. Not in accordance to all the orders, rules, traditions and teachings presented to them by modern average humans (=pastors & church members, or me) or, all of the old testament, which became somewhat inert, since at the time when it was written, God was still angry with man. You don't need to go to church to be a Christian. Church is a source of "unfiltered" information/guidance & the bible is the filter. I also believe, importantly, that if Christianity is presented to a person, but is rejected, you should move on, not shove it down their throat. -This is virtual guarantee that they will refuse Christianity for the rest of their life.
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