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Article Title: Lakeland, Florida - Chris Cole On The Ongoing Journey
Author of reported comment: s. Dobbs
Comment Date: 15:16 on Mar 17 2010
Comment: "The Final Quest " you recommended is obviouisly not of Gods Spirit but a demonic deception. It is nothing like any vision of scripture, R.Joyner actually stars in all the visions and is central to them, he experiences these predicted events as if they wereroccuring around him (self centred visions), it state such a civil war is Gods will ad calls for this even tho Jesus prayed that believers would be in unity, it depicts other believers, those who dont agree with Joyner, as demonised, as having demons vomiting on them which they mistake as the anointing of the Holy Spirit, no where eslse is the Holy Spirit mentioned in the book, the spirituality is self willed not even mentioning being led by God, the "new spiritual gifts" mentioned are not scriptural, they are used by Joyners side to fire revelations at people against their will in a bid to influence/control others who dont agree with these things, it calls for judges to rule the church in the end times, Joyner has discussions with the dead, a supposed St Pauls tells him not to trust the teachings in the N/T ( apart from the gospels), it is 100% unscriptural at every point. How can anyone think this deception is of God?
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