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Article Title: Heart In Motion
Author of reported comment: Don
Comment Date: 21:43 on May 27 2010
Comment: Here it is!! Amy's second controverial album to amaze and shock some; her 1985 "Unguarded" was the first to spark controversy. I have this on vinyl and on cd. Only 3 songs can be considered ccm, "Ask Me", You're not Alone", and the last # "Hope Set High". And as if the songs were not enough to spark more controversy; the videos for the 4 pop tunes that open the album/cd only add to it. The album opens up with "Good for me", "Baby Baby",Every Heartbeat" and "That's what Love is for". I have talked to believers on this album/cd; they really like it. some like it better than her ccm records. I like them all!! I luv the video vers. for the song "I will Remember You" (it was shot in Spain). "That's what Love is For" reminds us all, there is nothing that LOVE can't do!! So often, love is left out of the picture; we all say words that we don't mean. Amy has stood tall inspite of all the stones thrown her way; You have to admire her for that. This is a feel good album; the songs make you feel good; again Amy sings songs about life on this album: this is definitely her heart in motion. There is nothing bad about this album! GOD Bless! - Don
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