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Article Title: Alice Cooper: The shock rock pioneer speaks about his Christian faith
Author of reported comment: Hannah
Comment Date: 03:43 on Jun 1 2010
Comment: Mel, your understanding of Alice's Christian lifestyle is wrong. Yes, a Christian is instructed to take up their cross everyday, but maybe Alice's cross is different from the norm. He is bringing faith where there is none, going out into the world where rockers are confused and mislead because they have no faith and no one to show them what faith is. He has worked very hard to achieve his status and gain his talent, and he is using it wisely. We can view him as an example and a role model to the fact that Christians are bound not by law, but by the love of our Father and that alone. He does not need to give up his distinctive image for what is believed to be the ideal Christian life. He has worked very hard and playing heavy metal and wearing makeup and skulls does not mean his is not a faithful follower of Christ.
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