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Article Title: Natalie Grant: Proclaiming a Love Revolution with a Relentless passion
Author of reported comment: Clarissa
Comment Date: 22:45 on Aug 6 2010
Comment: I first heard Natalie Grant way back in 2001, on "Whenever You Need Somebody" from Stronger. I always liked her music from then on, but for the next several years I was obsessed with another artist (I won't name names), and the music thing, for me, was all about them. But about two years ago, I heard Nat's song "I Will Not Be Moved" on the radio, when it first came out. It was different stylisticly from what she'd done before, and it was different for me because it was aggressive and rockish, and I usually listened to lighter, more mellow stuff. But ironically, I fell in love with the song and thought, "Okay, that's it; I'm bying this CD," and it was a while after the first single from Relentless, "In Better Hands". So I bought the CD a few weeks later and was very, very impressed by how eclectic the album was. And so over these last two years, I have become a huge fan of Natalie Grant. Now I have most of her CD's, except the Christmas album, Believe, and the Worship album. I intend to buy the new project, Love Revolution, when it's released. Now I'm always commending Nat for her messages about being real and honest, true beauty and being relentless. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this article about Natalie. Thank you. And I apologize for the lengthy comment.
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