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Article Title: I Just Call On You
Author of reported comment: Don
Comment Date: 16:02 on Sep 19 2010
Comment: I was already an avid listener of David's music by the mid 80's;way before I heard a cut from this classic lp. The song "Follow ME..." became a fast favorite, who could ever forget the repeating chorus! I also like the title song "I just call on YOU". Most, if not all the songs on the album are on the mellow sounding side. The album was produced by ccm vet Chris Christian, who also wrote liner notes for back of the album. The one thing that I find odd about this album cover is that, the front cover usually has the brilliant artwork showcased; for this album it was on the back cover:barely taking up half the space. This is a great lp to have from one of ccm's great pioneer vets! GOD Bless! -Don
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