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Article Title: The Roar Of Love
Author of reported comment: Don
Comment Date: 20:26 on Sep 23 2010
Comment: The popular "Narnia Chronicles" had a known face long before the first original movie production in 1988. This trio brought the chronicles alive with music!!If you have the original vinyl, the artwork of Larry McAdams is simply wonderful! This album helps the listener appreciate those album cover paintings:check out the group portraits on the back cover, a nice capture! The songwriting skills of Annie Herring are beyond words; one song "White Stag" she was assisted in lyrics by siblings Matthew and Nellie. I like "Son of Adam Daughter of Eve", "Christmas Where are You", "The Roar of Love" and "I've Heard the Stars Sing Before Him". Every song on the album is a notable song!! Many of these songs also appear on the "20" 2 cd collection. Can someone verify the actual release date of album?? There are 2 years that appear on album 1978 and 1980; I also noted the back cover portraits were done in 1979: I'm guessing 1980 for release year. Thanx to anyone who can clarify dates. GOD Bless! -Don
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