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Article Title: No Shortage
Author of reported comment: Don
Comment Date: 13:57 on Oct 3 2010
Comment: I just recently bought this classic album by this group at a second hand store. Wow!! 35 years old, and it was still in pretty good shape! A nice cover version of Tim Sheppards "Would You Believe in ME" hi lites the album. A beautiful version of the favorite church song "I Just Came to Praise the LORD" is included; what a super nice job they did on this number. The four guys also covered country singer Larry Gatlin's well known tune "Light at the End of the Darkness";ccm vet Chris Christian also covered the song in 1981 featuring Larry Gatlin on vocals. Both versions are nicely recorded and are worth the listening pleasure. Gary Paxton produced the album, & long time group member Armand Morales sings lead on "MY Child, Welcome Home" written by Gary: just listen to those deep bass vocals! It's hard to believe that this marks the group's 10th recorded album since 1968 debut. It would be 2 more years, and the classic break through ccm album "Sail On" would hit big!! And also welcome aboard Russ Taff and David Will. GOD Bless! -Don
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