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Article Title: The Best Of
Author of reported comment: Don
Comment Date: 14:05 on Nov 30 2010
Comment: This is a great double album set, tho' it does not contain some of his more popular songs like "Soon and Very Soon" & "The Blood Will Never Lose its Power". 20 songs make up the 2 record set that was produced in 1975. The first song is titled "Take a Little Time": and this title still goes on; Amy Grant recorded a song "Takes a Little Time" in 1997. Of course "My Tribute" and "I'm Gonna Keep on Singing" are included, as is "JESUS is the Answer" and "I Don't Know Why JESUS Loved Me". CCM Artist, Clay Crosse covered "Just Like HE Said HE Would" in 1995; Clay also recorded another andrae song, "The Blood Will Never Lose it's Power" in late 90's. It is so good to know that these wonderful songs are still being passed down; to be sung through the ages of time. GOD Bless you Andrae, your songs are Heaven-sent! -Don
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