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Article Title: Rebecca St James
Author of reported comment: Don
Comment Date: 20:29 on Dec 13 2010
Comment: I'll never forget hearing ccm airwaves playing the well ccm flavored song "Here I Am"; immediately luved it! Wow! I couldn't believe this new addition to the ccm field was only 16 years of age! (of course the inside cd photos clarify her young age). The song definitely has hit written upon it!! Rebecca also had a hand in writing this top tune; nice job Rebecca! Well known songwriters and singers of ccm Eddie DeGarmo and Bob Farrell, supply newcomer Rebecca with another pop ccm gem called "Side by Side"; great song!! "True Love" is a song worth mentioning; very well recorded; so pop sounding! Some well known bgv's are joined with Rebecca on her debut:Chris Eaton, Kim Fleming (another who has been associated with top ccm artist Amy Grant); Bob Carlisle (long time ccm vet): to name some. "I Thank YOU, LORD" is another song worth complimenting; great song! I have many of Rebecca's cds. GOD Bless! -Don
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