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Article Title: Honest And Vulnerable
Author of reported comment: janet dixon
Comment Date: 22:25 on Feb 21 2012
Comment: Rochelle, It is porn and infidelity for you but it could be finance and bankruptcy 4 someone else. Because porn is so closely related to sex and procreation and since sex is designed by God for marital pleasure and has soul ties attached, we conclude that as Christians Satan's agenda is to CORRUPT AND DISTROY an institution that Gos has created. I suggest that you do four things: 1)If your husband has become an idol in your heart in your allegience to God, repent of that. Return to YOUR FIRST LOVE. Seek to repair where you are weak 2) take your eyes off WHAT HE IS DOING.This is very hard. look past your husband and look to ask God to place a HEDGE OF PROTECTION AROUND HIM. See, it is his behavior and although he is an active participant, it is what Satan is using to attack his relationship with God and with you. Remember, it is the MARRIAGE that satan's after. Because the marriage was created by God!!! Pray a hedge of protection around you rmarriage and husband. 3) Although you have legitamate reasons 4 DIVORCE don't seek that. We know that this is one of the things that God HATES. So, ask the Lord to show you how to honor your VOWS. It is porn 4 u. It was MARIJUANA and DRINKING 4 ME and my husband. I wanted OUT!!!! but me and 4) my accountability partner (a seasoned Christian mother or friend) helped to keep me accountable. She called me EVERYDAY!!!Seek someone out for you by prayer.
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