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Article Title: Climate Change
Author of reported comment: Andy in Germany
Comment Date: 08:23 on Jun 25 2012
Comment: Well done Zoe: It took a lot of courage to write this. I find it continually amazing that people who claim climate change is a 'hoax' seem to present it as a sort of populist vote winning argument tha is bound to be popular with politicians and government alike. The last thing governments and industry want is people saying that their policies, practices and products may be causing damage to the environment. There really is no money in suggesting climate change may be real as the solutions are exssentially buy less and use less: where's the incentiv in that? The fact that this highly unpopular idea has been acepted so widely by scientists at all would seem to give creedance to its accuracy. If there is no man-made climate change, why exactly has the global temperature increased as industrial activity increased? And if it is so popular with governments and big business, why are they fighting legislation to protect the environment tooth and nail? Besides, how is it acceptable for us as people who claim to love the cereator of the earth, to abuse it for our gain? Even withput climate change, surely the damage being done and injustices caused by industrial farming and production should be unacceptable to us as believers? Keep up the good work Zoe: it's about time believers looked at both sides of the coin.
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