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Article Title: Rob Ash: Welsh singer songwriter undergirded with 'Blue Steel'
Author of reported comment: Nigel Williams
Comment Date: 19:46 on Jul 12 2012
Comment: Hi Phil, I've just bought you CD Shine Like You and I absolutely love it. In fact I've bought three copies, two as Christmas presents and one for my own indulgence. I'm sure you won't remember me but we were choristers together at Nolton and you, my sister, (who now lives in America) and I used to do the Christmas carol circuit,armed with guitars, together around the 'posh' streets like Bowham Ave. and Merthyr Mawr road! (Maybe the references in the first verse of Best Years are relevant to this?) We lived in Newbridge Gardens. Anyway, I just wanted to say Hi and congratulations on your fantastic music. One of the few things that my sister and I agree on is that you were the most naturally gifted musician we'd ever met. Good on you for staying true to the talent. I'm hoping to get to one of your gigs later in the year and I'll introduce myself it it's not inconvenient for you and we can have a reminiscent natter. Until then, Very best wishes, Nigel
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