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Article Title: Tell 'Em Again
Author of reported comment: Don
Comment Date: 20:18 on Sep 18 2012
Comment: Another great 70's album by Dallas & his group Praise the title song begins side 1, a simple song of faith; kind'a falls in line with Amy Grant's initial songs and albums for ccm. The pace is slowed for next song "All For Me" that spills the name of JESUS that would be rarely heard in ccm songs by the mid 80's. I highly commend "At My Worst" a great ccm stand out for this era in ccm. I really like side 2 starter "Here We Are" "Here we are in Your presence lifting holy hands to You". Great melody for"You and Me JESUS" thanks for taking us back some in years Dallas. "What Will You Do" is the perfect closer, nearly 5 minutes in length; a song needed today. This is a great album to have great classic songs! GOD Bless! -Don
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