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Article Title: The Florida Outpouring With Todd Bentley
Author of reported comment: Joseph
Comment Date: 12:23 on Jan 7 2014
Comment: I wrote about this thing with the tattoos. People with tattoos can be saved but they cannot preach as God will not be represented by someone who has the marks of other Gods. Why? God will not share his glory with anyone. Unless the tattoos are removed they still bare ownership on the people who bears them. This is spiritual wisdom and it is foolishness to the world. The Todd Bentley saga shows that the entire Apostolic leadership is blind and is unable to discern what is from God and what is from Man. Now this only brings out the shallow wisdom of the people who claims they have prophetic gifts. Yet these people did not humble themselves to this mistake. God has revealed not many are wise in today's context. May God have mercy on us all.
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