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Article Title: GOD TV's Rory And Wendy Alec
Author of reported comment: John, a journalist
Comment Date: 12:33 on Oct 23 2014
Comment: Adultery is adultery and is abhorrent in the sight of Almighty God. When we try to hide this, it eventually backfires because what is hidden will be revealed - Luke 8 verse 17. When viewing God TV it is noticeable that many of the programmes are associated with Charismatic and Word of Faith preachers who hog not only this tv channel but other so called christian tv stations. These tele evangelists live luxury life styles having mansions, aircraft, limousines, and employ security services to protect themselves from the general public. Their followers try to emulate them because of the prosperity doctrine they preach ie sowing financial seeds to receive God's blessings. I have to say that they or their followers do not resemble anything like the New Testament Church of the Bible. They use titles of being a prophet, a pastor (no qualities of a shepherd), an apostle, and now bishop this and that. Their organisations are seen to be businesses making money out of all sorts of things they market and sell. They employ accountants and are involved with tax evasion. And are beheld to be fleecing the flock. The couple were engrossed in promoting what was deemed to be "revival" especially in the USA, South Africa, and in the UK. God TV televised these events and the leaders who were involved. When one speaks what is called speaking in tongues into the cameras lens and then speak again doing the same thing, this is nothing but gibberish. To make claims that it is of the Holy Spirit, is blasphemous! So what has been sown folk will surely reap and I have to say this has been seen so far when people claim of a word wide revival coming our way. Instead, there has been a falling away as prophesied in God's Word - read 2 Thessalonians 2 verse 9 to 11.
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