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Article Title: Sandi Patti: The inspirational balladeer and the great divorce
Author of reported comment: Beth
Comment Date: 03:25 on Dec 31 2014
Comment: Judging people always seems to be the way to show Christ right? Come on. I don't have it figured out. You don't have it figured out. We can't trust our own wisdom and views. Just love people. Period. It amazes me that I haven't found anyone used mightily by God in the Bible without a messy story and the religious people were the ones who hung him to the cross. Throw your stones people. And remember you are one of the religious people Jesus warned about. Human judgment is why so many in this younger generation abhor Christianity. What a shame. Christ's character is often so far from the Christians who proclaim his name. Shame on all of us. How do we know the story behind the sin, the suffering. A woman abused since she was 4 by an uncle. An abandoned boy who was never shown love by parents. We never truly know. That is why it is simply our job to love. "When we judge people, it leaves no time to love them". Mother Theresa. When we all quit trying to play God and recognize we ALL stand in the same need of grace EVERY single day, that is when change will occur. May I never think I have it more figured out then any other sinner. May I always recognize my humanness and place of need.
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