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Article Title: The Father Heart Of God
Author of reported comment: jisha xavier
Comment Date: 10:41 on Nov 13 2015
Comment: Its is the power of evil to get u out off work, family and hearts of people, guilt will ruin u, but repentance, will reveal how much god loves u , and wants u back.We are human beings and not fully holy as christ himself,who too was tempted. The power of evil will try to make us fall, all throughout our life,and our life itself is a war with the evil,ur stepping down will definitely be a formation period for u in Christ, but check ,if this fall makes u to understand Christ more or it takes u more ,more away from Christ. and do not allow the evil to defeat u. I do not know u, but was looking , if somebody, helps in constructing some poor homes in India for those suffering from the illness of mind,presently wandering in streets, in an inhuman condition, deprived of treatment and care. jisha xavier social worker, , kochi,kerala
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