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Article Title: Daryl Coley: The California-born gospel singer overcoming homosexuality and diabetes
Author of reported comment: Will Scott, Jr.
Comment Date: 10:55 on May 1 2016
Comment: I was searching for Daryl Coley and saw that he been called home. While I sang with our church choir and with a gospel group here at home, we were constantly looking for music to sing that would inspire and hit the souls of the people that we were attempting to mister too. We often found that Daryl Coley's songs and his singing would not only hit them but us also. I personally at one time was able to walk and stand, but have had a number of set backs in my life that caused me to be forced to use a wheelchair. But despite this I find Daryl's music and his spirit to place me in a position of believing that one day I to will overcome all these setbacks and suffering. And I continue to let the world know that in-spite of all that we might go through, we as Daryl did should never give up or give in to the enemy. Greater is He that is in me, than he that is in the world. The Lord has received a great singer, and he is no longer in pain. To God be the glory for this thing that He has done. Blessing to his family and love one's. RIP Pastor Daryl Coley.
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