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Article Title: Janny Grein Dies
Author of reported comment: Susan Ross
Comment Date: 11:03 on Sep 10 2016
Comment: I was awoke at 4:40 a.m. and was spending time with God,. I thought of how she impacted my life with her song track if Stronger than before, the music was so personal with her and our Jesus that I was so touched and overwhelmed that we could have such a live relationship with Him. I heard her song at New Covenant ministry in Jacksonville Florida she talked about a concert she had and I think she said only a couple if people had shown up and she asked God what was going on and He responded to her ( who are you singing to ) and she started to sing and when she opened her eyes the place was full. I was praying and I thought about my relationship whit God now and I went on her website and found that she had cancer and passed on. I'm do sorry I hadn't known and I miss her greatly but at the same time I'm happy for her she's with Jesus Christ, can't compare to bring here. So missing her though!
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