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Article Title: Charlie Gard Outcome Should Favour Life
Author of reported comment: catherine Hume
Comment Date: 14:26 on Jul 30 2017
Comment: The facts of the state of Charlie Gard's health were not reported accurately in the media. So we cannot rely on the media for our information. The american doctor who offered to treat Charlie Gard had never examined him and has been found to have a financial interest in trying to treat Charlie Gard. Really, would Great Ormond Street Hospital not exhaust every avenue of treatment? This is insulting to the hospital staff who devote their lives to treating very ill children. These insults are dished out by people with no medical training or experience. I have worked with people with brain injuries. Charlie Gard's brain scans showed no improvement between January and July. That is the worst sign. If the courts had ruled to keep.Charlie Gard on life support, he would have lived lying on a bed attached to life support until flu or another simple virus killed him. I work with adults who are very ill. They often receive no visitors at all. If we as christians can do anything, it is to visit the ill people and the people who are dying who are all shut away from.society in care homes. Let's start visiting care homes as a regular outliving of our faith. The courts took over in this case because communicarion between GOSH and the parents had completely broken down. In court, Charlie Gard's parents shouted abuse at GOSH staff and their legal team. Then there were the death threats to staff. And that was probably why Charlie Gard wasn't allowed home - no employer is going to let their staff go to a place where they could be harmed as staff could have been by "Charlie's Army" if they had accompanied Charlie Gard home. The media and well.meaning bystanders have made a complete mess of Charlie Gard's final weeks. Of course parents want to do everything possible for their child. Of course. But when some of the best doctors in the world who have no financial interests say that a child is suffering and keeping him.alive is doing him harm we should listen to them.
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