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Article Title: Breakdown And Healing
Author of reported comment: Denise Brown
Comment Date: 00:09 on Aug 19 2017
Comment: I want to thank you for your testimony. I have been on meds for about 2 years now. I got serious postpartum depression anxiety after I had my first child. In the process of being so anxious I lost the ability to sleep, and long story short ended up on anxiety meds and sleeping pills. I have been experiencing panic systems in my body for some time now. My body basically got stuck in the fight or flight stress response. However, all I knew this whole time is that Jesus is my only answer. I think what has been the hardest thing for me is wanting to know when this torment will end. I have just had to keep reminding myself that its almost here.... I just have to keep pressing in and pushing myself into Gods hands, and know that He is God, and His purpose for my life is not over, its just beginning. I have never known anyone to go through what I have been going through. I have not liked having to be on medications. Little by little I see the transformation, and God healing my body. He is literally the only one that can save. Your music ministered to me so much. My brother and I went to the Outcry concert this week, and I had never heard your band before, but my bother had and he told me that your band is amazing. He was not wrong, your band is now one of my new favorites. I can feel healing, power and peace through your music. Thank you for encouraging me and showing me that I too can be delivered from medications and panic symptoms. God Bless You!
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