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Article Title: The Continental Singers: Over 60 albums, over 1,500 concerts a year
Author of reported comment: dave martin
Comment Date: 22:35 on Sep 11 2017
Comment: To Whom It May Concern: My name is Dave Martin. I am a student at Los Angeles City College, here in LA. For the past seven years I have worked on our school newspaper, the Collegian, as a videographer, editor, and writer. Recently a friend of mine asked me to take over her Christian web-based radio show. What I need is content to put on the air. Would it be all right to use The Continental’s music on the air? It is not for profit. I simply need content to be able to put on the air. I have never run a radio show before, so I am trying my best to get whatever it is I need. I look forward to hearing from you. God bless you/shalom, Dave Martin
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