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Article Title: Sandi Patti: The inspirational balladeer and the great divorce
Author of reported comment: Nichols Easow
Comment Date: 04:40 on Sep 16 2017
Comment: When I was a little girl in Florida I use to sing in church to her songs. I was a foster kid and I can't describe it completely.. but she was family to me. I had wonderful foster parents ( I had a few ) and when ever I had depression or reflection, you name it, I would sing her songs. I would play the be tape and Jack the tv up. I would sing very loud to the cars that went by. I think for someone my age I could have been her voice over. Years later, this year to be exact, I went to my first concert. I took my kids and was late for a meet and greet. Luckily I was able during half time and my kids ( who heard me speak of nothing but her for a few weeks) watched in awe as I met my hero. I could only get when I met her. I was still hormonal from having my baby but I was in awe. That is the only time in my life I felt like a child coming home. I am grateful for her no matter her trials or failings. I know not one person who hasn't done something one would deem unforgivable. My dream would be to sing eith her one day. Her voice coupled with her heart is what makes her so loved and admired. I don't idolize her but find her a treasure from God who has after all some humanity that can be relatable.
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