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Article Title: Jillian: the California-based singer
Author of reported comment: Subash . Samaroo
Comment Date: 01:17 on Sep 27 2017
Comment: I was a student at Olive Nazarene University . Jillian ministered in concert and songs . I vividly remember one of her rendition " Some times I feel a mother less child " The passion and compassion in her voice was also combined with her pain . I trust God and His healing grace have reversed her growing pains . I think of Jesus the suffering servant and know we can do or be no less . Our pain however unjustified is never a reason to deny God a chance to use us . We must find the courage to place our Resurrected life to Christ and lay both our baggage and blessings at the foot of the cross and allow God to reorder our steps .. To God be the glory ..... Blessings on your my co labor in the work of love . Subssh
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