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Article Title: Prosch Returns To Ministry
Author of reported comment: Anthony Innerd
Comment Date: 09:38 on Apr 19 2018
Comment: Hi Lane, As ur in usa and more resources of Kevin perhaps. Its been 4 years since your post but my personal experience was really at a Cross Rhythms type camp on the sunny plains of Devon in the 90s, when entered a packed tent...and just saw a small person at front leading with a head band tie his hair, etc. Well cannot ever forget that Spirit, not caught that same here in a foreign land on mission since 2007, a sort of religious land or non-charismatic as you agree Keven was an extraordinary gift to us from the HS. I long for that tent-experience again in what HS breaths I can find were here now wanting to go back UK but cannot afford to live there anymore. Besides my short story...How can I get hold of the Album you refer to by the Black Peppercorns - Tumbling Ground, cannot see it on Amazon and where is the song '¨Harping Harp'...i read someone like on these postings....Bless Anthony
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