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Article Title: Larry Howard 1950-2017
Author of reported comment: George Bradshaw
Comment Date: 06:41 on May 13 2019
Comment: I remember when Larry Howard went to my church Harvest Cathedral in Macon Georgia. My parents have had enough of Me by that time I was deeply into drugs and alcohol. Larry took me to Kentucky Fried Chicken Andover lunch he gave me his testimony about how drugs almost took his life. I have never seen someone so serious as he cried and held my hands and pray with me that I would be delivered. My Deliverance did not come right away, but here I am in the year 2019 and I I am delivered. I thank God for Larry Howard and his life and for the life he was able to impart to me. The night he died I had a dream that he had died and then the next day my parents told me that he had passed on. God bless you Peggy
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