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Article Title: Mac Powell: Talks about his momentary move from Third Day to country music
Author of reported comment: Vanessa Turner
Comment Date: 19:17 on Jul 30 2019
Comment: I have loved worshipping with Third Day for years. It was wonderful to have southern rock to worship to. I haven’t listened to secular music in years, simply because I don’t enjoy it. I am so sad, and disheartened. I purchased 19 tickets to a concert coming to my home town, and invited my closest church family. We are best of friends who love to travel and enjoy life together. I also invited some unsaved family members, in anticipation of them being in the presence of such anointed worship. Only now am I discovering this album is about “fun on a payday Friday night,” and breakups. I honestly don’t know that I will enjoy this $800.00+ experience. I never imagined that the songs would be secular, and not God centered. I don’t have anger, venom, or ugliness to spew at Mac for his endeavor. I think we need secular music that doesn’t dishonor God, for those who either aren’t saved yet, or who are and enjoy other music besides Christian and Gospel. But I never imagined that an anointed man of God would like to represent himself under the heading “backslider.” My heart is broken, and the idea of the powerful worship experience I was so looking forward to is now shattered at the foot of a “fun loving Friday night” country song. I’m praying that God uses this experience to minister to my Daddy, who is lost, in spite of the lack of worship, and presence of The Holy Spirit that comes through unity and anointing during worship. I am dreading this now that I’ve discovered what it will be.
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