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Article Title: Tom Inglis: The Californian worship leader and influential teacher
Author of reported comment: Myrna Tumaliwan
Comment Date: 02:24 on Sep 27 2019
Comment: Since I found this Tom Inglis Father We declare. almost every day whenever I am in the office and at home. I play this song and I love the song too much. When singing this song I can express from the heart too of my everlasting love to our Father God, to son Jesus Christ and to the Holy Ghost. I see Jesus once in my life at age 20 for 13yrs continuous kneeling down to Him and just two years ago I decided to serve God in the little way I can serve Him in the Church. Still finding more songs of Tom Inglis in the youtube. Thanks for the articles you wrote here. It was a great help to bring myself closer to the Lord.
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